
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

disclaimer: i am no longer allowed to refer to the country I was just in by it’s name, for protection of the organization i am partnering with. so, i will be referring to it as “South Asia” from now on, sorry for the confusion! 

south asia. no amount of words could explain what the Lord taught me in these past three months. south asia is the country that stole my heart, the country that taught me true compassion and hospitality. a place filled with dust, color, and mountains. every crack & crevasse holds something beautiful & new, something so vastly different from life in Texas. it has been an absolute honor getting to witness the Lord move in people all across the world. the generosity, the hospitality, the intentionality…its all something i will hold near and dear for the rest of my life. 

i could go on and on about the random stories that have taken place in the past three months. the “world race special numbers,” the endless amounts of selfies and stares, the monkey attack(not as intense as it seems but it still happened), riding on top of car roofs, cultural dances, and bonfires.

but i simply can’t. 

truthfully, it’s very hard writing this blog. the past three months have such a soft spot in my heart, and everything in me wants to go back. i want to write a crap ton of full length blogs explaining how impactful my time there was, but i really cant. however, i really really ReALLY would love to talk about it. i could go on for HOURS if prompted. so please, text me. call me. email me. ask questions!! i will gladly answer and tell you any little thing you want to know. as much as i wish i could lay it out plain and simple in blog format, i can’t. God did insanely beautiful things in this time, and i seek to glorify Him rightly through it.

that being said, i hope you guys give me grace for my lack of blogging. it’s been hard not having adequate wifi, & i’m also walking through a lot right now.  trust me when i say i will be much better about communication in costa rica. thank you for reading, thank you for supporting. 

all of the love, Nol.

4 responses to “goodbye, south asia”

  1. I love reading your posts. They are so honest. Thank you for the glimpse I to your heart

  2. Totally understand Noelle, and I’m sure others do as well. I know God will provide the right situations for you to share what needs to be shared with those that need to hear it. You’re doing great stuff. Keep at it!
    Prayers continue…